
Last updated on 2023-05-12

By using this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

1. Gigsats ("we", "us", "Gigsats", "Gigsats.com") will not be held responsible for damage or funds lost due to use of this site. Members ("users", "accounts", "tasker", "asker", "you", "freelancer", "client") take your own risks by working with other members on this site.

2. All funds in escrow are subject to release based on the evaluation and arbitration by Gigsats. The decision will be made by Gigsats whether the funds are sent to the freelancer, back to the client, or divided in portion thereof based on the evaluation.

3. You do not post offensive, illegal, or otherwise bad content which could be deemed harassment or spam. Gigsats is not responsible for the content posted on this site. Accounts may be banned at the whim of the Gigsats administrators.

4. Upon a dispute, reasonable efforts should be made to allow the freelancer to complete the work.

5. All payment amounts are in Bitcoin and any non-Bitcoin amounts displayed are estimations subject to change based on the fluctuating value of Bitcoin.

6. Fees will be collected according to the fee schedule published on the Fees page.

7. Gigsats is not responsible for loss of funds held for any reason, such as an act of hacking or any other situation. You should take this into account and avoid holding large amounts of funds in escrow. The escrow system is meant to help facilitate transactions. Gigsats.com is not a bank.

8. Gigsats is not liable for the actions of our members or the results of using our site.